How to confidently charge your worth

You may have heard the advice to ‘charge your worth’ but what the heck does this even mean? And for women, this sentiment is heavily loaded, because women are inherently conditioned to downplay their self-worth and not be too confident. This is then reflected in the pricing of our services. It becomes a vicious cycle!

When women are told from a young age that we should be nice to others and not be too ambitious or bold… we learn that to value ourselves and be confident in who we are is perceived by others in a negative way. But as entrepreneurs, we are already disruptors. We want to make an impact, leave a legacy and create positive change in the world. To do this requires us to be bold, courageous and risk-takers.

But we are still women who have been conditioned by society. So when we take up this space in the entrepreneurial world, we can still feel the fear of judgement from our competitors if we raise our prices or worry that no one will work with us if we increase how much we charge.

The thing is… these fears are driven by our subconscious beliefs that have been embedded into us from a very young age. Our sense of self-worth has been diminished through childhood experiences and society, because it benefits society for women to keep playing small.

Think about this — only 2% of women make more than seven figures of revenue in their business. TWO PERCENT. That’s absurd! And, many women don’t even generate more than six figures.

You did not create your business to play small. You created your business because you wanted to make a friggin impact. And to make the impact you truly desire, leave a legacy AND create the income you want… you need to let go of that old subconscious conditioning.

Because you are already WORTHY! And when you feel that inner sense of worthiness, then ‘charging your worth’ becomes a heck of a lot easier.

If you are ready to raise your prices, charge more and attract more money into your business — then it’s time to do some serious reprogramming of those subconscious blocks.

Want to learn how to uncover your subconscious money blocks and make more money in your business?

Hi, I’m Eloise Tomkins and I’m a psychologist and expert in money mindset transformations. I am obsessed with helping women change their relationship with money, through somatic body based healing.

Book in a free 15 minute call and discover how reprogramming your subconscious can help you attract more wealth into your world.


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