How to confidently charge your worth
Eloise Tomkins Eloise Tomkins

How to confidently charge your worth

You may have heard the advice to ‘charge your worth’ but what the heck does this even mean? And for women, this sentiment is heavily loaded, because women are inherently conditioned to downplay their self-worth and not be too confident. This is then reflected in the pricing of our services. It becomes a vicious cycle!

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Money Audit
Eloise Tomkins Eloise Tomkins

Money Audit

When you think about money, how does this feel in your body? Do you feel excited? Or fearful?

For many women, talking about our money blocks in our business brings up many uncomfortable sensations in our body. We may feel anxious, fearful, shame… and this feels yucky, so we want to avoid acknowledging those feelings.

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The Powerful Impact of Clearing Your Mind on Your Performance
Eloise Tomkins Eloise Tomkins

The Powerful Impact of Clearing Your Mind on Your Performance

You're juggling multiple projects, deadlines, team management, and striving to maintain a semblance of personal life. But, do you ever also feel your mind racing, cluttered with thoughts and ideas, making it hard to focus? As high-achieving professionals, we often overlook a critical aspect of our performance - mental clarity.

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How to Detach your Self-Worth from Your Achievements
Eloise Tomkins Eloise Tomkins

How to Detach your Self-Worth from Your Achievements

Highly successful women are often the last people you would expect to have low self-esteem. When you look at their achievements, high income and reputation, you would expect them to be oozing self-confidence to have gotten as far as they have.

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The Untold Stories of Female Leaders
Eloise Tomkins Eloise Tomkins

The Untold Stories of Female Leaders

For a women to succeed in their career and make their way to an executive level position, it requires tenacity, resilience and a whole lotta grit.. and this often comes from a challenging childhood, which is a key element that helps professional women succeed.

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Why professional women are using EMDR to boost confidence
Eloise Tomkins Eloise Tomkins

Why professional women are using EMDR to boost confidence

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) and is a powerful tool that can help high-achieving women break past performance blocks so they can unlock their potential and boost confidence in their professional and personal life.

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