Hi, I’m Eloise

I am not ashamed to say that I like money (and if you’re here, then you like money too!)

But it wasn’t always this way.

Growing up, the stories I heard around money were that you needed to work hard for it. In fact, men needed to work hard for it and they were to provide for the whole family. The stories I heard were that I was terrible with money (despite having a decent amount saved), that I’d never be able to buy a house on a single income or without an inheritance, and that if you had money you shouldn’t spend it.

Whoa. That’s a lot, right?

I had a dream

I’d always dreamt of running my own business, but these stories were keeping me trapped in 9-5 jobs that I despised. I feared taking a risk and going out on my own. I didn’t think I was good enough. I didn’t believe I would succeed.

Yet I had all of these ambitious goals in my life I wanted to reach. I wanted financial independence outside of a partner. I wanted time freedom to enjoy my life before retirement. I wanted to make a bigger impact on the world. And I knew I would never get that as an employee.

I continued the 9-5 grind for two decades, until an a-ha moment in my 30s came along where I realised that I would never achieve the lifestyle I wanted as an employee.

And so, my business was born. But, it wasn’t easy. I came up against many (!!) of those old, yet familiar, beliefs that told me I’d never be good enough, that I needed more qualifications (I once studied the same topic three times “just in case I missed something”).

I used all the tools I had, but I was still stuck

Over the years, I did the mindset work that everyone told me to do to change my limiting beliefs that had developed throughout the course of my life. I tried hypnosis, NLP, meditation, therapy, sound bowl healing… you name it, I’ve probably tried it. I used all the tools I had but something was still missing.

No matter how much work I did, there was always a part of me that continued to feel like I wasn’t good enough to run a successful, profitable business.

The worst part is, that no matter how much external success or financial independence I attained, I could never actually enjoy those successes because the more I gained the more I had to lose.

 I realised the problem was deeper than my mindset.

Finally, I found the answer

I discovered that it’s not just your beliefs that are impacted by childhood experiences, but it’s your entire nervous system. That’s when it became clear to me that ‘changing your thinking’ was never going to work and I invested in a lot of somatic techniques like EMDR to shift the negative emotions that were stored in my body.

To shift the pervasive feelings of fear of failure, self-doubt, and being “not good enough”, you also need to reprogram the core emotional triggers of those emotions stored in your body.

When you reprogram your emotional triggers using the most powerful somatic based tools, your success is infinite.

And now, I have the most incredible business where I get to blend my 10+ years of psychology helping women overcome their emotional triggers so that they can build their own seven figure business.

Wondering if this is possible for you?

Perhaps you’ve read through my website and are wondering if this is possible for you too. The best way to know is for us to have a chat, so book a call and we can see whether we’re a good fit to work together.

  • Bachelor of Education

  • Graduate Diploma in Psychology

  • Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)

  • Master of Professional Psychology

  • Qualified in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing), Schema and Havening

Qualifications + Experience