Rich & Fearless

Reprogram Your Relationship with Money So You Can Grow Your Business, Make More Impact + Increase Your Income

(without the hustle!)

If wealth came from qualifications and knowledge alone, you’d be rich by now.

In fact, you’re probably wondering how people less qualified than you are out there making big bucks. You know you have so much value to offer but you just can’t seem to stop treading water when it comes to money.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • No matter how many clients you have, it never seems like the zeros add up to anything meaningful.

  • You’re hustling to boost your sales and trying to find time in your already overpacked calendar.

  • You promise clients way too much (hello, overdelivering) and are also waaaay undercharging, so they’re getting great value meanwhile you’re feeling resentful.  

  • There is this scarcity cycle when it comes to your finances where you never feel like you have enough (even if you do).

  • You’ve hit an income ceiling in your business and just can’t seem to get past it - and no amount of business strategy seems to help.

You’re beyond frustrated because you want to reach this uncapped income you see others achieving. You know it’s possible, so why isn’t it happening for YOU?

You go down the rabbit hole of thinking…

“I’m educated, why am I finding this so fucking hard?”

“Money isn’t meant to be easy so maybe I just need to work harder”

“Maybe this is my money limit and I’m just not meant to be rich”

“I’m trying everything and it’s still not working!”

Then you start to feel like a failure because your income isn’t matching your effort.

You shift into action mode.

And do all of the things you said you didn’t want to do in your business.

You work longer hours, sacrificing your personal life.

You cut corners where you know you shouldn’t.

You may even start questioning why you started your business in the first place.

And you go down the self-doubt spiral, second-guessing all of your business decisions.

Sound familiar? 

You are in the right place because you can reprogram your relationship with money.

Apply for Rich & Fearless below and we will start by having a free 15 minute chat to see if this program is a good fit for you.

Let me share a secret with you…

Your business is there to make money.

Money is at the centre of all businesses.

And secretly you want the money and hope that it will somehow just magically appear if you work hard enough for it.

But it doesn’t matter how much money is in the bank. It doesn’t matter how hard you work.  

If you view money with a lens of scarcity and fear, then you will continue to attract more of the same into your business.  

The truth is.. 

it’s all about your relationship with money.

You’ve probably even found yourself saying “Yes, I am SO ready for more money” but haven’t seen that translate into cold, hard cash.

That’s because your logical mind is trying to rationalise its way to wealth.

But if your nervous system is out of alignment then your subconscious mind is never going to allow you to reach that next level of income.

Reprogramming your subconscious relationship to money is the fastest way to become generate more income and create a bigger impact in your business

You likely understand that your emotions stem instinctively from deep within your subconscious. Have you noticed how they seem to replay repeatedly, following the same old patterns? This is because at the heart of these patterns lies a core money story—a specific belief or experience shaping your financial behaviour.

Until you learn how to reprogram your nervous system and your relationship with money.

If you want to make more money, your subconscious needs to learn how to feel safe around money.

It’s THAT simple.

Not just feeling good making more money.

But also learning how to feel grounded throughout the natural ebbs and flows of the financial dips that comes with being an entrepreneur.  

To do this, you need to make changes to your relationship with money on a cellular level.

Reprogram your nervous system to feel calm, grounded and at ease with money.

Reprogram your subconscious mind to respond and not react to money based on emotions.

Reprogram your entire IDENTITY to one who is RICH & FEARLESS.

Maybe some of these common money blocks sound familiar?

  •  Our family never had enough money, so I guess I’m just not destined to be rich.

  • It’s not about the money, I just want to help people.

  • I’ve just never been good with money.

  • I couldn’t possibly charge more than $X in my industry

  • My friends will judge me if I earn more than them. You don’t need another strategy to add to your wellness toolkit. You need a permanent solution to stop your emotions spilling out and sabotaging your business.

We learnt these money blocks when growing up, and they evoke strong feelings… which are related to how we feel about ourselves.

Yep. We associate money with our self worth.

If we don’t feel deserving or worthy of money, our subconscious will find a way to sabotage it – no matter how much we say we want it!

Think about how having a client pay in full for your services.

Do you feel calm and at ease? Or do you find your heart rate going up? If you notice a body reaction, that’s because your subconscious is reacting to money based on emotions like fear, guilt and shame.

Your subconscious is keeping you stuck at your current income ceiling because it is your nervous systems “safe zone” when it comes to money… and your subconscious will do whatever it can to keep you there.




A revolutionary money mindset program designed to completely transform your relationship with money so you can make more money without the fear, frustration and hustle. Over 90 days, you will journey through this program which is designed to help you reprogram your subconscious money blocks holding you back from abundance and wealth.


Audit Your Money Mindset 

We start by identifying the subconscious money blocks holding you back from earning more, how they’re keeping you stuck in your business, and uncovering how these have dictated your relationship with money. We look at your Wealthy Why, how fear and anxiety have held you back from achieving your financial goals and audit your nervous system so you can learn to feel good receiving more money.


Aligned Wealth 

In this pillar, you will experience a profound change with your relationship to money. We will completely rewrite your old money stories and activate healthy, new money stories that allow you to regulate your nervous system so that your subconscious feels calm and grounded when it comes to wealth. In this pillar, we use EMDR to make powerful, permanent transformations.


Activate Abundance 

The final pillar is all about embodying your new money identity and knowing with 110% certainty that you are worthy of creating the lifestyle, business, and wealth that you desire. You will feel confident AF knowing that you have the money mindset to create abundance in your business any time you desire – and that it is safe for you to do so.

Are You Ready?


Ready to go from feeling fearful of money to confident, grounded and safe in knowing that money is abundant?

I’ve got you covered.


…is perfect for you if…

  • You know deep down you can be wealthy and that it is possible, but you feel stuck and just don’t know how to get there

  • You’re prepared to do the inner work on overcoming these subconscious blocks

  • You’re a female entrepreneur, business owner, or someone hoping to leave the corporate 9-5

  • You’re stuck at an income plateau and have tried all of the things – business coaching, self-help books, podcasts, you name it but nothing seems to make a lasting difference

  • You’ve done money mindset work before but it hasn’t made a long-lasting change

  • You’re tired of the constant hustle of working harder and not seeing any meaningful financial changes

  • You’re spending too much time working IN your business rather than ON your business

is not a good fit if…

  • You’re not a woman entrepreneur

  • You’re expecting me to give you another strategy, tell you what to do or to fix this for you (you need to be prepared to do the inner work)

  • You think your financial future is completely out of your control

  • You like working hard and don’t want to change this 

Next Steps



Use the form below to submit your application and then you’ll be prompted to book a discovery call. I want to make sure this program is the best fit for you so this is a chance for you to ask questions and for us to determine if this is the right program.


You’re in! You’ll get started with the onboarding process and we’ll get your sessions booked in so that we can start working on your money mindset ASAP!

Begin your abundance journey as you step into your rich bitch energy and lean into making money with ease.


What if one of these were you?

“Working with Eloise helped me uncover parts of myself that were holding me back in my career. Since the Business Breakthrough Intensive, I have been able to step into a leadership role with ease because I am finally truly confident I can deliver”

Anon, Australia


This program is for YOU!


PAY IN FULL: $5500


H i, I'm Eloise

I’m on a mission to help high-achieving women in business reprogram their emotional triggers so they can reach seven figures, achieve financial independence and time freedom while making an impact.

As a healthcare professional who has spent over a decade mastering the art of psychology whilst also launching my own business, I know firsthand what it’s like when your emotions are the one running the show.

Outwardly, I was successful. But on the inside, I never felt like I was good enough. I did all the things you’re told to do. Therapy. Self-help books. Personal development. Coaching. More qualifications. You name it, I did it.

When I came across somatic based techniques, like EMDR, I realised I had found the missing piece. I realised that I had been compartmentalising my life in order to succeed in my business, meaning that my relationship with myself suffered immensely.

But if I wanted to create a seven figure business then I need to truly believe in my WHOLE self and I needed to feel this truth in my body – and that’s exactly what I did… and now, I am here to help you do the same so that you can transform your business from the core.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I get it. Your relationship with money feels scary right now and there is a part of you that wonders whether this will actually work.

    But let me ask you this.. what will change in 90 days if you don’t make an investment in yourself today? And how much money are you losing every single day by not changing your relationship with money?

    Are feelings of calm and groundedness driving the bus or is it fear and anxiety? I would bet it’s the latter.

    When we feel anxious and fearful around money, we perceive it to be scarce and difficult to come by. This makes spending money (especially on ourselves!) difficult and it can feel like a huge risk.

    But fear and anxiety are exactly the reasons you’ve been stuck on the feast and famine cycle around money and you’ve been experiencing this for SO long. Aren’t you ready to do things differently, feel things differently, and make your relationship with money work for you rather than against you?

  • While I can’t speak for the other money mindset programs out there, the reason my coaching is so different is because it acknowledges the importance of the body (aka the nervous system and subconscious mind) when it comes to our money stories. This coaching program clears your emotional charge when it comes to money so that instead of feeling guilty for receiving, unworthy or undeserving of success, fearful of losing it all, or anxious that you won’t be able to reach your financial goals – we get to the root cause of those money stories and unblock them for good.

    My coaching won’t teach you how to budget or how to manage your money from a practical standpoint. What it will teach you is how to feel safe, confident and grounded around money so that no matter what your financial situation, you won’t experience guilt, fear or shame for wanting to make more money.