Business Breakthrough Intensive

6-Week EMDR Coaching Program for High-Achieving Women to become the CEO they need to be to amplify their impact and profit

If only qualifications and experience were enough to become a 7-figure business owner!

You probably started your business to create financial independence and time freedom, while doing meaningful work that allowed you to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

But, if you're like many high achiever types, most days you feel like a hot mess inside, worrying if your team likes you and questioning whether you actually have what it takes to reach your financial goals.

Maybe you… 
  • KNOW you’re successful when you look at your life logically, you just don’t FEEL it!

  • Struggle with decision making because you’re constantly second guessing yourself or asking other people for advice because you’re terrified of making a big mistake.

  • Have the qualifications (and then some) yet you still feel like you’re not qualified enough, which leads you to overdelivering and undercharging on your services.

  • Struggle to switch off from work which means you don’t get to enjoy the time you are spending with your family.

  • Let your emotions run the show more often than you’d like and sometimes they can feel so big and raw that they just take over.

And you feel frustrated because you want to take your business success even further and earn more money…

But you just don’t know how to stop overthinking things.

Sound familiar? 

You are in the right place because it does not stay this way!

Apply for the Business Breakthrough Intensive below and we will start by having a free 15 minute chat to see if this program is a good fit for you.

Perhaps you've already tried

  • Business Coaching

  • Therapy

  • Self-Development Courses

  • Hypnosis

  • NLP

  • Holistic Therapies

  • and more…!

And maybe in the short term these tools have helped you better understand yourself and develop strategies that you’ve been able to implement in building your confidence in business.

But deep down, that pesky inner critic continues to tell you you’re not worthy of creating a seven-figure business.

 You’re starting to wonder whether you can have the financial independence and time freedom you crave.  

And worse, you wonder whether starting
a business was even worth it.

The truth is... 

if you’re a high achiever then you’ve probably learnt how to compartmentalise your life. You throw yourself into your business, thinking that your success will overshadow how you feel about yourself on the inside.

On the outside, it seems like you’re winning at life. On the inside, you worry how others are perceiving you and feel like a failure.

Nothing you do ever feels like it is enough. Yet you still have goals you want to achieve.

I’ll let you in on a little secret....

You can’t rationalise your way to seven figures and beyond. If you could, you’d have done that by now.

Reprogramming your emotional triggers is the fastest way to become generate more wealth and create a bigger impact in your business

Think about a recent situation where you were faced with significant choices and found your emotions taking the lead. What was the outcome of that? Were you satisfied with the outcome? Did you find yourself delaying the decision? Did you feel frustrated with yourself afterwards?

This is probably a sign your emotional triggers may be getting in the way of making strong leadership decisions.

You probably already know your emotions are instinctive and come from your subconscious mind. You would have recognised that they replay themselves over and over and they will continue to do that until the root cause is addressed, right? You keep experiencing the same pattern. That’s because you have a core trigger underneath, setting off a core emotion. Until you can remove that core trigger then that pattern is going to keep playing out and holding you back in your business.

You don’t need another strategy to add to your wellness toolkit. You need a permanent solution to stop your emotions spilling out and sabotaging your business.

Do you know of any 7 figure business owners whose emotions get in the way of them making fast, decisive decisions? It’d be difficult to find a 7 figure business owner who doesn’t have control over their emotions, because mastering your triggers is an essential skill for building a successful and sustainable business.

Mastering your emotional triggers isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity so that you can move from where you are to where you want to be — a 7 figure entrepreneur!



The Business Breakthrough Intensive

In this transformational six-week program you will go through a simple three phase framework which has been expertly designed to get you back in the driver’s seat and quit letting your emotions run the show so you can back your business decisions, charge your worth and lead your team with confidence!



In this foundational phase, we lay the groundwork for your subconscious brains natural capacity to reprogram itself. We start by illuminating the subconscious barriers holding you back from unleashing your true potential as a high-achieving entrepreneur and will help uncover the deep-rooted beliefs that are hindering your business success.



In this transformative phase, we embark on an exhilarating journey to rewire your subconscious mind at its core. Over two intense weeks, we leverage the power of neuroplasticity to reprogram your brain with EMDR enabling you to make decisive, impactful decisions that are crucial for your leadership journey.



In this final phase, witness the transformation as your newfound mindset integrates seamlessly into your daily life. You will experience a heightened sense of calmness and rational problem solving which paves the way for unparalleled business success by leading your team with confidence and charging your worth.

Are You Ready?


After six weeks together, you will experience:

  • Clarity and focus which allows you to bring your greatest business vision to life

  • Confidence in backing your business decision

  • Improved concentration

  • Feel calm and settled in your emotions

  • Confidence charging your worth

  • No longer caring how others perceive you 

  • Having difficult conversations with ease

  • Taking time off without the guilt, knowing that you can trust your team to run the business without you

  • Reactive emotional responses

  • Unwanted tears

  • Overwhelm

  • Self-sabotaging behaviours

  • Worry about what others think about you

  • Procrastination

  • Self doubt

Ready to go from emotional meltdowns to confident, calm CEO of your own seven-figure business?

I’ve got you covered.

Is the Business Breakthrough Intensive right for you?

We’re a perfect fit if… 
  • you’re a woman in a professional service based business

  • are wanting to earn high 6 figures or break through to 7 figures

  • have already tried everything else and are ready for something that’ll transform them at a cellular level

  • are ready to do the deep inner work and ditch the core emotional wounds holding them back

  • are prepared to get vulnerable with themselves in order to move forward in their business

It's not a good fit if..
  • you are seeking treatment of a mental health condition

  • you have unresolved trauma

  • big emotions feel overwhelming to you and you’re not sure you can cope with them

  • you’re looking for a quick fix without being prepared to do the deep inner work

Next Steps



Use the form below to submit your application and then you’ll be prompted to book a discovery call. I want to make sure this program is the best fit for you so this is a chance for you to ask questions and for us to determine if this is the right program.


You’re in! You’ll get started with a 1:1 coaching session designed to uncover your business blocks, and I’ll get to know exactly what’s holding you back.

Begin your six week journey as you step into your CEO mindset and gain clarity into who you need to be to build your seven figure business.


What if one of these were you?

“Working with Eloise helped me uncover parts of myself that were holding me back in my career. Since the Business Breakthrough Intensive, I have been able to step into a leadership role with ease because I am finally truly confident I can deliver”

Anon, Australia


This program is for YOU!


PAY IN FULL: $5500

We can negotiate a plan suitable for your needs. Full payment to be received prior to commencement of program. $500 deposit required to secure your place.

H i, I'm Eloise

I’m on a mission to help high-achieving women in business reprogram their emotional triggers so they can reach seven figures, achieve financial independence and time freedom while making an impact.

As a healthcare professional who has spent over a decade mastering the art of psychology whilst also launching my own business, I know firsthand what it’s like when your emotions are the one running the show.

Outwardly, I was successful. But on the inside, I never felt like I was good enough. I did all the things you’re told to do. Therapy. Self-help books. Personal development. Coaching. More qualifications. You name it, I did it.

When I came across somatic based techniques, like EMDR, I realised I had found the missing piece. I realised that I had been compartmentalising my life in order to succeed in my business, meaning that my relationship with myself suffered immensely.

But if I wanted to create a seven figure business then I need to truly believe in my WHOLE self and I needed to feel this truth in my body – and that’s exactly what I did… and now, I am here to help you do the same so that you can transform your business from the core.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This is an intensive program which means that while it is only six weeks, we do the same amount of work as someone would do in 6 months. This means that we’re really speeding up the process for you to overcome your emotional triggers, so that you can become the CEO your business needs to reach seven figures.

  • This program has been designed for women who have done some therapy or coaching in the past and are aware of the blocks that are holding them back. They just don’t know how to clear those blocks out, even though they’ve done a bunch of work on them already. This program is not designed to replace therapy.

  • This depends. The focus of this program is for business owners wanting to overcome a specific block holding them back in reaching their business goals. Generally this does mean there is overlap with their personal life. That said, this program is not a substitute for therapy so we do not work on trauma related issues. If you are unsure, send an email or book discovery call and we can chat.

  • Absolutely! Many of my clients are also working with a business coach, therapist, mentor, etc and do this program because they recognise the importance of overcoming an emotional block that their current supports are unable to provide.

  • As much as I’d love to, I cannot guarantee specific results. What I do know though is that tools we use are evidence based tool that has been successfully used to help athletes perform at their peak, to increase focus and performance, and optimise wellbeing.

    My role is to walk you through the programs process so that you can reprocess the emotional triggers, neutralise them, and feel less reactive. How this plays out in your life and business will vary from person to person.

  • Nope. I work remotely, which means you can access my services from wherever you are in the world. We just need to check timezones to make sure they overlap for the both of us.